Mr AlJaaly’s Humanitarian Cardiac Initiative African Cardiac Centre(ACC)

Good health is a crown worn by healthy individuals that only the ill heart can see….

Health care in Africa faces several challenges. The magnitude of problems can be understood through the epidemics of the region, lack of healthcare budgets, poor infrastructure, and political instability. This is compounded by poverty and the brain drain of homegrown doctors moving abroad in search of higher wages and a better standard of living. Varying wildly from country to country and region to region, public healthcare does exist, but due to the poor standard of care, most prosperous people will use the private sector services and will hardly address the issues of poor healthcare facilities to be equally served to all human beings, regardless of rich or poor. Efforts to address this escalating health crisis require comprehensive strategies that encompass preventive measures, healthcare infrastructure improvement, and increased public awareness. By understanding and addressing the underlying factors driving the surge in heart diseases, there is a potential to mitigate their impact and improve the overall health outcomes for the population in Africa. Public health initiatives, coupled with accessible healthcare services and education, are crucial to reversing this alarming trend and fostering a healthier future for the continent.

Heart diseases have emerged as a significant public health concern in Africa, posing a substantial threat to the well-being of its population. Epidemiological data paints a stark picture, indicating that cardiovascular diseases have become the leading cause of mortality across the continent. The burden of heart disease has witnessed a concerning rise, contributing to a substantial number of deaths and posing a formidable challenge to healthcare systems. Various factors contribute to the prevalence of heart diseases in Africa, including lifestyle changes, urbanisation, and an increasing prevalence of risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Limited access to healthcare services and awareness programs further exacerbates the impact of these conditions. Additionally, the demographic transition and an aging population contribute to the growing burden of cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiac Services in Africa are limited, there are few heart centers and even then, many are functioning at a minimal volume level. Complex cases are referred to a few specialised centers within Africa or sent aboard to Europe or India, for those who are able to pay privately for the treatment. Hence, there is a great need to set up multiple Cardiac Centres to help people in various countries of Africa in anticipation to preserve life and promote good health for millions of populations.